That Time of Year : Man - New York City.

It’s that time of year in New York City. One new add to the line up this year is MAN. Created by Antoine Floch (former Surface to Air / Rendez-Vous shows) and Romain Bernardie-James and Olivier Migda from the creative agency The Imaginers in Paris, MAN brings together a roster of great brands and collections all side by side in a more intimate and personal way. “MAN intends to bring some warmth back to the industry by drawing like minded folk together; buyers, brands, designers and press in a warmer, friendlier environment.” If you’re a buyer, press, etc and so inclined, head over to 775 Washington street (Industria Studios) for a breather and to have a gander for yourself. And the photos here, Antoine Floch’s father. Awesome, I know.

MAN - New York City : January 16th-18th 2012
775 Washington Street - New York, NY 10014
MAN - Paris : January 21st-23rd 2012
5bis Rue Froissart - Paris 3

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