Chris Grodzki. Stanley & Sons apron and bag maker. Surfer. Craftsman. Brooklynite. Duder.

1)I am psyched on the new Woods album Bend Beyond and excited to see them play in NY next month. You can listen to the whole thing for free here: Bend Beyond

2) I’m psyched to be able to start eating warm food inside. In the summer it is too hot to turn on a stove let alone think about heat. Now that it is getting cold we will start having folks over and turnin’ up the heat.

3) I am looking forward to/I just brought a lot of our plants inside. Our room now is starting to look like a garden. Takes some getting used to but I am into it. It is like “Jumangi” in here. - cooooool.
Indeed. Thanks Chris. Shaka.

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  • Joel Kramer

    I say “Cheers” to Mr. Grodzki for not just plugging his products here like a lot of folks have of late.