THE BOARD : F/W12, pt. II.

The pictorial guide to a proper, stylish and adventurous end to your Winter.

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  • Ben L.

    You’ve outdone yourself. You make me want winter to go on and on - and I live in Cleveland.

  • Jared

    Epically epic.

  • greg

    fucking RAD

  • Al

    An inspiration

  • Pedja

    To see all pics in this post is also adventure!
    Now I have a few dilemmas. Red Wing or Clarks? Eggs or burger? Maybe some vegatable? Beer or Wine? It’s 10 AM in my town, very cloudy and thanks god it’ s friday…
    I enjoyed in this post like always.

  • _jamesbriggs

    Great as always Mr. F.

  • Jon

    So. Good. Best yet. Just enough to carry me through. Thanks.

  • Cyril

    I’ve been following SF for a while and this is, hands down, the best yet.

  • DJ

    Welcome back Mr. Forts. This made my day, thank you!

  • Alex G.

    been following sf for a few years - never thought i’d see myself in one of these, ha!

    i’m the kid (no face) smoking the gaulloises with the espresso and croissant.


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  • Henry

    Who make the navy blue rucksack hanging on the wall 3/4 through? Thanks

    • mrforts

      Navy rucksack is by my bud Chris, Stanley & Sons. So nice.

  • Davis

    Awesome awesome awesome! By the way, who makes the killer blanket wool cap about 16 images up from red couch?

    • mrforts

      Believe that’s vintage RRL via @woodensleepers

  • Michael

    On this snowy, snowy day up here in Canada (Southern Ontario) these images are like comfort food for the soul. I need help with the ingredients to that herb, egg, tomato dish in the frying pan…what’s that dark, saucy ingredient? These posts, plus the Head-To-Toes….keep ’em coming!

  • Kelvin

    This was very inspiring, I’m really mind blown.

  • Matt

    Hi James,

    Amazing. Where could I find that EG khaki coat with the hood? Here:

    Keep up the great work! Thanks.

    • mrforts

      EG + Golden Bear goat suede trail parka. Pulled those images from;

  • rob

    Really enjoy this!

  • berq

    what a ride! thanks!

  • Emil

    Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus. Dude, I’m sitting in my hotel room in Costa Rica right now, been surfing and drinking piña coladas the past few days, and now all I can think about is how excited I am to get back to chilly NYC and put on some layers — not to mention buy some more clothes!

    Miss you Jimmy.

  • Lauren

    This makes me want to wear flannel and eat only out of cast-iron cookware. You make everything look so … epic. Great photos.