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  • Paul Fisher

    From Northwest, Ohio. Always loving the photos!

  • http://www.bucketsandspadesblog.com Matthew Pike

    I’m all about the gigantic cheese puffs

  • sam

    oh man, i love diner too. great steaks.

  • Eric

    Mr. Forts,

    Love it as always. Wish there were more frequent posts.

    Question: what exactly do you do for a living? It looks like you live a pretty boss life.


  • Dee

    New follower here and I have a quick question. Are all of these pictures yours?

    • http://www.secretforts.com mrforts


  • Michael

    Your posts continue to inspire. Denim, sneakers/trainers, button-up shirts - pretty much what I wear these days [even to work since I work in a fairly casual environment office] because of your posts. Love your well-loved denim a lot. Btw, what watch is featured in one of the photos above?

    • http://www.secretforts.com mrforts

      The watch is by Void.

  • TONY


  • http://www.sartorialexposure.com Broderick

    Love those Nikes