Sandy and Emil Cor­sillo, cre­ators and pro­pri­etors of both The Hill-Side and Hick­o­rees, live and work in Brook­lyn. It’s where The Hill-Side has grown over the past few years into a truly global brand. So it’s only fit­ting that, break­ing from the largely Brook­lyn-based books of the past few sea­sons, their lat­est look­book, for their stel­lar Au­tumn ’12 col­lec­tion, is made up of im­ages from all over the globe. From Madi­son to Mu­nich, Chicago to Cape Town, Austin to Am­s­ter­dam, Toronto to Tokyo, San Fran­cisco to Sil­ver­lake, Syd­ney to Seoul.

Ac­cord­ing to Emil and Sandy, “On our trav­els we find peo­ple wear­ing The Hill-Side in new ways, and their per­son­al­ity and orig­i­nal­ity in­spires us. This time around we wanted to show­case those peo­ple and the way they wear our prod­ucts in their own en­vi­ron­ments. We sent out two dozen pack­ages to these shops, each con­tain­ing a pile of sam­ples from our AW12 col­lec­tion and a dis­pos­able cam­era. We in­vited them to take pic­tures of co-work­ers, fa­vorite cus­tomers, neigh­bors, best friends, chil­dren, pets, the pizza de­liv­ery guy . . . any­one they thought rep­re­sented their neigh­bor­hood.
27 ex­po­sures later, they sent their dis­pos­able cam­eras back and we got to work edit­ing.”
As al­ways, a great look­book for a great Fall col­lec­tion.
See the en­tire look­book here.

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